Thursday, December 29, 2011

Outside the box...beyond the pale

I made a decision this morning...okay, not so much a decision as a recognition of my truth.  I'm a rare bird, an eccentric, one of those people that doesn't really fall into line and isn't afraid to make an impression.  My intent is good, my hope is to bring some positive energy and to allow for my free thinking mind to create something of value as a product of my interactions.  As a result...I shoot from the hip in my expressiveness and I celebrate my impulsiveness.  I let it fly and let the chips fall where they may, and that is how I like to live.  I do realize that there are going to be consequences to this approach that are both desirable and undesirable, and I am will to accept the responsibility for whatever happens.  This is who I am, and I like being this way.

Growing up I was never a person that conformed to the conventions around me.  It wasn't that I didn't want to conform, rather I never knew what the conventions were.  I was not very observant on the extrinsic...I was more focused on the intrinsic.  In some ways I lived inside a bubble, with an intellect that was founded on complicated thought processes as opposed to accumulated knowledge.  I always knew I was a thinker, but I had difficulty producing content or accessing my cognitive abilities in ways that were tangible, such as in school.  I was a horrible student...the kid that marched to the beat of his own drummer.  And damn, that was really a tough way to be a kid and adolescent.

Fast forward from 1983 to the end of 2011, and the body of knowledge that I've accumulated from my life experiences and desire to become productive, successful, and fulfilled, and I now see that everything that I was has contributed to the person I am today.  Because of all that I went through in the past, I now have gratitude, humility, and empathy for the human condition.  I love to recognize the remarkable qualities of the people around me, to honor them for their uniqueness and the impact of their efforts.  I love to see how so many of the people that I knew growing up in the suburbs of Detroit have become such warm, caring, and fine people.  I love to read about individuals that, through their selfless ambition, have contributed to social, cultural, and personal liberation.  I now recognize that everyone is an artist, and that their medium is specific to their expertise.

I'd like to share with you a few examples of people that I consider to represent the qualities that I described above.
  • Dr. Abraham Nemeth
    • Dr. Nemeth's story is one of strength, belief, artistry, and love. 
    • He has been an innovator, educator, artist, scientist, and true polymath. 
  • Stanford Ovshinsky
    • In the name of social activism, Stanford Ovshinsky has developed technologies that have lead to nearly 400 patents.
    • A true genius committed to the future well being of humanity.
  • Benjamin Zander
    •  Benjamin Zander is the Conductor of The Boston Philharmonia, and the co-author (with his wife Rosamund) of The Art of Possibility.  
    • His gentleness and ability to create beauty in people around him has inspired people of all ages.
  • Christopher Hitchens
    • Christopher Hitchens was clearly an individual who was willing to address topics with conclusions that we not only un-popular, but also provoked animosity from people that were allied with him on some viewpoints.
    • His articulation, and ability to deliver scathing perspectives with cogent relevance may never be repeated.  One of the great orators of our time.
    • I didn't agree with him on everything, but always appreciated his conviction, and the foundation of his presentation.
I may not inspire as many people as the people I mentioned, but I do want to make sure that I inspire myself, and that I create solutions that work for me in achieving my objectives.  And if I do something that you find may work for you, my satisfaction becomes multiplied. is the idea I am going to try out today; my resume doesn't show the qualities that I think matter.  My resume shows that I've been a recruiter that has done some strategy work.  But I'm much more than that.  I am able to engage with people in a comfortable and disarming manner that offers a comfortable and very productive dialog.  I am able to establish presence, and connection.  I am able to create partnerships that invite people to share in comfort what their objectives are.  I am effective at creating a casual yet professional atmosphere that offers a mutual trust based on transparency and integrity.  I am passionate and excited about the possibilities.  And I genuinely like learning about people, which is something that leads to very fruitful exchanges.  My resume doesn't show that I'm a problem solver, that creates strategies and outcomes which are comprehensive, scalable, and cost-prohibitive.

In order for these qualities to be made accessible to potential clients, partners, and/or employers, I have decided to create a resume addendum.  A document that is sent along with my resume which offers a descriptive of how I see myself.  It isn't a paragraph nor is it a manifesto..but it is a written, first person offering intended to make my intangibles apparent and accessible.  I am going to work on that today, and then I will post it to my blog along with my resume.

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